We, the residents of the High Lostine Subdivision, value the natural beauty of the Lostine River Valley with its mountain vistas, forests, abundant wildlife, and pristine river. In part, these most cherished values result from and bind us to the Eagle Cap Wilderness and Wallowa County. We have an obligation to protect and preserve this beauty for future generations. Therefore, we will add to our property values through responsible stewardship with respect and tolerance for the diversity of all our neighbors -- human and others. We want to protect the investment we have made in our property through good stewardship as development proceeds. We promise to abide by our Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and work through our differences as neighbors and friends, honestly and openly, remembering how fortunate we are to be a community at the edge of the wilderness.

This website is meant to assist owners and prospective owners. However, the website is a secondary information source only. Post office mailings and HLOA meetings are the primary means for communicating HLOA information and business.